Training on “Writing CV and Motivation Letter”

“Build Your Future!” project continues to hold events and meetings aimed at the development of young graduates along with the project participants.  For this purpose, on May 21, 2022, a training on “Writing CV and Motivation Letter” was held, which is very important and significant for graduates.

Sabina Kalashova, International Projects and Events Manager, was the trainer to share her knowledge and experience with the youth. During the training, topics such as differences between CV and Resume, major mistakes made in preparing both forms, motivation letter and rules of correct writing of CV, points to be mentioned in CV for young people without work experience were touched upon. Discussions were also held with the participants and their questions were answered. It should be noted that the main purpose of the training is to support the formation of project young people who are new to education and career life as professional candidates in the career and labor market.

To date, more than 1,200 young people and their families have benefited from the project. Most of the young people who have successfully completed the project are currently studying at various universities in Azerbaijan.


Translated into English by Gulara Mamishova, project alumna and 3rd year student majoring in English teaching at Khazar University.